Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Quick update

It's been a while (about 4 months) since I've posted something new. I have a very good reason why I haven't been posting anything. I was offered my dream job in a Family Childbirth Center in Washington as a nurse! I was in their perinatal residency program for about three months and then I had a couple weeks of classes so there weren't anytime for me to be posting. Plus I live at home and my mom makes most of the meals. OH and I have some good news! I got engaged on December 10, 2011! My Fiance turned 25 and my sister turned 16! So there are so many things that are going on at the moment especially with wedding planning. But now that I am done with my residency, I work the night shift. This means I work at night and sleep during the day. I get my days messed up occasionally. Anyways I really love my job and I am blessed to have such a great start to my career. In the mean time, there's new thing called Pinterest! which I am addicted to. I repin lots and lots of new recipes that I look forward to make and to get back to posting them on my blog again!

My fiance is visiting this weekend and we are re-celebrating my sister's sweet 16 (because she had two drill competitions in the past 2 weeks) so maybe I'll be in the mood to make something!
